Types of technical examinationThese are special platforms mounted to the chassis of lorries, known as loading cranes, loading flaps or self-unloading boards. Used for lifting loads (when loading and unloading vans), these devices are equipped with a hydraulic drive that is mounted on the vehicle.

The loading platform significantly facilitates the handling of cargo in shops, factories, warehouses or on construction sites.

Approval of loading platforms for use is only possible through regular inspection and testing.


Proper training is a prerequisite for maintaining loading platforms. Such a person should have the necessary knowledge in terms of theory and practice - among other things, those relating to safety and operating the equipment. In addition, he/she must have passed a qualification check during the UDT examination. Maintenance checks must be carried out at the times specified in the regulations. A maintenance log must be kept during operation.

Consequences of not having an UDT test

  • Penalty fine
  • Very restrictive legal consequences at the time of an accident involving a person
  • Impossibility to perform registration actions on the vehicle on which the device is mounted
  • In the event of a road traffic collision, it is not possible to claim compensation from road insurance

Acceptance test of the loading lift

During the acceptance test, the inspector carefully verifies the correct installation of the loading lift on the truck chassis. Overload tests or equivalent tests are also carried out during the acceptance test.

CSO course

W our centre Operator training courses we provide training in loading platforms, fibre optic welding or forklifts, among others. Training courses for loading platform maintainers provide the knowledge and qualifications necessary for this profession. Classes at OSO include theoretical and practical parts.


Training programme

  • Faults occurring in the operation of loading platforms
  • General information on technical supervision
  • Health and safety regulations
  • Legal basis for loading platforms
  • Duties as loading platform maintainer
  • Required authorisation to operate handling equipment
  • Principles of operation and cleaning of the equipment in question
  • Standards, rules and regulations for technical supervision equipment and conditions
  • Maintenance and service record keeping rules
  • Maintenance checks for typical defects and how to rectify them


Once the participant has passed the UDT exam, he or she will receive a licence to repair and maintain loading platforms, valid for 5 years.

Types of technical examination

Loading platforms are subject to periodic inspection tests. All examinations are carried out in the presence of the operator or a person authorised by the operator, the maintainer and the UDT inspector. The operator is obliged to ensure that the conditions are right to allow the inspector to carry out the activity. The purpose of the ad hoc inspection test is to indicate whether the operator has implemented the recommendations contained in the protocol of the previous test.

Candidate requirements

  • Completion of 18 years of age
  • At least primary education
  • No health contraindications